They found out what was wrong with me!

GRACE Lilith • Previously Lilith DV survivor

I spent the entire night in the ER with bewildering pain and I went in and just told them “I have no idea what is causing my pain, I’ve been in and out of doctors and i just had an ultrasound and I have the results if you want to see them but I cannot handle this pain anymore.” And she actually… took me serious. I don’t know if it was just the look on my face or what but she did blood, urine, and gave me fentanyl and when I was still rolling around after that she sent me to get a CT and they found a nasty duodenal ulcer (it explains the upper right quadrant pain) and then I was prescribed this absolutely god sent ulcer med with lidocaine that immediately gave me relief and I was one happy person after that. I got sent home with a prescription of it and I can actually get some sleep!

ONE doctor listening to me 🥹 months of going from doctor to doctor, telling them almost desperately that I am in pain everyday of my life, not being able to figure out what was wrong, being told “it’s your liver.” and me knowing this pain was not my freaking liver. (I was diagnosed with fatty liver and absolutely knew that wasn’t my cause for pain) I am still being sent for a hydroscan to be certain, and I was referred to a GI doctor because they’re afraid that my ulcer will start bleeding, I have to go back immediately if I pass any blood. I actually got relief today! I cannot believe that