37 weeks and 5 days today and diaganosed with polyhydramnios.



I have been recently diagonised with polyhydramnios where amniotic fluid is much more than it should be at 37 werks. I am scared how this will effect me or baby and whether i will be able to go ahead with normal delivery as planned.

Does anyone has any experience with ployhydramnios?

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I have polyhydramnios, 37 weeks today, being induced next Friday the 5th at 38+1. I have had ultrasounds weekly since 31 weeks and was told the biggest concern was during delivery but they haven’t gone into why or anything. I’m not worried honestly, I feel comfort knowing that I’m going to be under medical monitoring through it all incase an issue arises.


Posted at
I had Poly with my second starting around 33 weeks, the dr I had at the time had me FREAKED out ab an emergency C-section due to his umbilical cord coming out first due to there being more room and the chance of his head not being able to be flush again my cervix. But, that's not always the case and apparently is kinda rare.Even after some reassurance from a new Dr that I ended up having to get and weekly ultrasounds, I was freaked out all the way up until delivery. He just had some extra room while in there and I was EXTRA large. Labor and delivery went smooth and he's now a healthy, rotten 3 year old lolI was worried ab having it again this time but was told the chances of getting it again were slim, when my belly started measuring bigger they had me go for an ultrasound and hes just going to be a long baby.


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@GlowGPT please help me with this topic!


GlowGPT • Dec 28, 2023
<p>I'm not a doctor, but I can try to provide some general information. Polyhydramnios, where there is an excess of amniotic fluid, can have various causes and effects. It's important to consult with your healthcare provider for personalized advice. They will be able to assess your specific situation and determine the best course of action. They may monitor you more closely and discuss the possibility of a normal delivery or other options. Remember, every pregnancy is unique, so it's best to rely on the guidance of your healthcare provider.</p>