“Pregnancy of unknown location”


Has anyone been diagnosed of this before? I’m supposed to be 13 weeks today. Have not had any OB appts yet my first one is to be over the phone with an LVN. I ended up going to the ER and was there for 7 hours. Got bloodwork done that showed my HCG levels more than doubled since last bloodwork done last week. Had my first ultrasound but wasn’t allowed to see it and I didn’t hear any heartbeats nor a picture of any baby. They measured my uterus etc and doesn’t add up with my HCG levels.

They gave me 3 scenarios that I am possibly going through right now. Currently miscarrying, ectopic pregnancy or it’s too early in the pregnancy but HCG levels show different. They only see a sac above my cervix and thinks it’s just filled with blood hence why I’m seeing blood when I wipe.

I’ve had a miscarriage three years ago and now this happens and I’m feeling lost especially because the place I have to deal with just doesn’t make it easier for me to get help with what’s going on with me and my pregnancy journey.

I’m 41 so I know my age can be a factor and I have PCOS.

I’m only praying that God gives me strength throughout the experience if I end up losing baby because I know I’m not strong enough on my own.

The thought of dying due to ectopic pregnancy just hurts because I still have my three kiddos that still need me.