HCG counts 😳


I was 5 weeks 1 day with my first draw and the numbers were 525 and then at 6 weeks 1 day they were hoping to have 3,000 and it was 15,200! 🫣🤪 Ya girl is a little nervous! LOVE LOVE LOVE that baby is growing but lord I hope it’s just one. Anyone else have this high of a jump? I had a tubal ligation reversal so we are watching this pregnancy CLOSE for now. Had my first US 6+1 and we could see what looked like a gestational sac forming but he said that due to having a TLR the uterus in RARE cases will create a “gestational sac” but the baby is actually forming somewhere else so I go back in a week and 2 days to recheck. But the counts gave me NERVOUS! 😬