
Me and my boyfriend have been together for almost 2 years now . We have a baby together and live together I have 2 kids from a previous relationship and he has 1 kid from a previous too . So our family is pretty big lol . I’m a SAHM and he’s a great man overall. He takes care of everything including everything that has to do with my 2 kids as well . Our relationship is pretty healthy . It was not always that way but it was never nothing too serious. If we have any issues or conflicts we talk things out and we work on them . We’ve always talked about getting married even though we have not set a date or when we know we will get married. I know he has hinted that he wants to propose once he has enough money for a ring and wedding . But honestly I don’t care for any of that I would be happy with just getting married at a courthouse lol . We have a baby now and we live together and I’m happy w everything we have so I don’t care much for a super expensive ring and a huge wedding. We even talked about not having a big wedding and just spend more money on the honeymoon. My question here is should I bring up the getting married at the courthouse thing to him ? Or should I wait until he decides to propose?