I am doing a horrible job at parenting

How is parenting going for you all? Because I am failing miserably!!

Oh how I wish I could have an expert walk around with me for a day to help me be a better parent. I have tried so hard to do research, learn the best way to handle situations, help her learn through play, speak praises about her so she feels confident. I try to gentle parent, listen often, be slow to anger. And yet it has all failed miserably.

My daughter is 5 and her behavior is erratic. She goes to the beat of her own drum and won’t follow directions. She takes nothing seriously and screams when she doesn’t get her way. I just don’t understand what I did wrong 😩 I am so kind, so loving, and so patient. And yet my child has not taken on any of these traits that I demonstrate for her.

How do you all do it? SOS

Update: For discipline we do 5minute time-outs. If we are out in public and can’t do a time-out at that moment she loses privileges at home. For example, if she misbehaves at the store I let her know that she lost her tablet-time this evening. Or if we were planning on getting a treat (Starbucks) I will let her know that she lost her treat for the bad behavior. I ALWAYS follow through with what I say.