I’m afraid I won’t find love


I’m 24 and after so many failed situationships, I am starting to get very worried I won’t find love. My last relationship ended in 2021. I really thought he was the love of my life. No one had ever loved me the way he did, but we both had a lot of growing up to do and I feel shared too many differences in opinions. Before you ask would I circle back on that, I probably wouldn’t any time soon. He left me hanging while I was pregnant and getting rid of it for a sports event he was in and it really upset me. He blamed me and said I told him he could go, but realistically his answer should’ve been to show up for me. Anyways fast forward, I have not had a boyfriend since then. I have met guys and dated, but I can’t say I have loved anybody since him. Guys I’ve dated were either inconsistent, dishonest, or just plain inconsiderate of me and my feelings. I don’t want to settle. I want to find love and create new relationships, start a family soon even, but it seems like in my generation, it’s SO HARD. I really don’t get it. Nobody wants to settle down forreal and I’m tired of the games with people. I’ve tried dating apps like Hinge but haven’t had any luck. I would prefer to meet somebody organically, like in the grocery store or something lol, but I’m staying open minded. I just feel like at my age, I had such high expectations. I thought I’d be married by now, with a kid lol. I still love at home with my mom and going through a career change. I would just like words of encouragement or any uplifting advice because I’m feeling very down. Thanks in advance.