Frustrated with advice… rant


I knew I heard of how annoying all the advice is before I got pregnant but I honestly didn’t realize how bad it truly is. It’s non-stop.

People are so quick with the comments about my pregnancy. Really my first time being pregnant (had an early loss before but no one really knew). I’m over 12 weeks now and it’s already feeling like too much and I’m going to snap.

I work in an OB clinic so it might be worse being in that environment but the other day one of my coworkers asked if I was going to take anything for the morning sickness and I just said “I don’t want to take anything until I feel I really need it” and she rolled her eyes and said “oh you’re such a first time mom”. Idk just rubbed me the wrong way so much. Like why discredit me because this is my first? I’ve read a lot about the medications and just don’t feel the need right now to take any. I do have morning sickness but I’m managing in other ways which is what is recommended. Just because we’re “first time moms” doesn’t mean our opinions and concerns aren’t valid!

There’s other comments made almost daily by the people around me and I’m trying to be polite because I know they mean well but I am going to start saying that unless I asked for advice then do not share with me. It’s one thing if I’m searching for it but I sure have not been (except on here lol) 😆