
Sofia • Elijah 🤍 | TTC #2 🧸🫶🏻

I had sex with my partner on the 11th December. My cycle tracking is quite accurate and said I was going to ovulate between and the 19th. I then had sex 22nd December but I was discharging crazy ovulation discharge from the 19th to the 23rd December, when I say crazy I mean it was stringy, egg white & sticky but sooooo stringy, like boogers lol. I had really bad cramps in one side of my womb on the 29th December.

I was supposed to start my period 31st December but I’m late by 4 days.

I am so confused. I’m testing and can’t even tell if there’s a line anymore as I have such bad line eyes. I’ve got pregnancy symptoms such as:

So tired, napping everyday

Sensitive Nipples

My Montgomery tubercles have gone completely white

I have the worst memory lapses known to man, most days I think it’s a different day or I’m so sure I did something yesterday that happened over a year ago.

Hungry, I went from eating small meals to large meals.

Mood changes are extreme atm, half the time I’m angry or feel like crying.

Guys I don’t know what to do. Either my tests are negative but I’m confused as my period is late,

I could’ve ovulated late and the tests not show yet if I ovulated when I had sex on the 22nd December as it does take 6 days after fertilisation for a positive test. I had cramps 29th December.

I don’t know what to do? I took this test yesterday. I think I’m going crazy. Maybe I’m not pregnant and I just want it so bad, maybe my period is just late.

I feel defeated and deflated.