Trying for a baby <3


I got my marina IUD removed on November 3rd after finishing my period with it. Never had a period in the year I had it, but I had one the last month of having it for 2 weeks straight. Since then me and my husband and I have been trying to conceive. I'm normally getting my period 21 days apart and having trouble tracking when I'm most fertile, but we normally do it at least once a day since we both have high sex drives anyway. My period started heavy-duty on the 31st and into the 1st I had sex with my hu, band and it just stopped bleeding on the 2nd started again that night but overnight it just turned into spotting. My period has never done this before and has always been steady with it's flow. Though, the cramps are still there even when I'm not bleeding. I haven't been under any real stress, so I'm wondering if, thus, it could be a sign I'm pregnant or if I should just keep trying.