Light pink spotting around 7dpo

Not sure what to think at this time… my cycle is supposed to start in 5 days. I’m pretty regular give or take a day.

Yesterday at 7dpo I had a little bit of light pink spotting only when wiping. That happened twice. Since then nothing. I’m feeling super bloated and a little off…

My past pregnancies are all over the place with none successful. One ectopic, one 11 week mc, one 21 week miscarriage due to triploidy. 2 chemical pregnancies through <a href="">IVF</a>. I’m supposed to start priming for <a href="">IVF</a> on my next cycle coming up which should be in about 5 days. We did BD once during the fertile phase which would have been a couple days before ovulation.

Advise…. Support… anything? lol I’m all over the place with emotions.