Should I take a test or wait ?


My period is irregular. I found out I was pregnant in august, I remembered I took the test it was too early for me at 10 DPO. I took a test few days I had a faint and the positive result.I had miscarriage 5 months ago on September 3rd. We’ve been trying until November just stopped trying. Last month we decided to try again. We been praying 🙏🏽 My doctor told me I was ovulating around Dec. 18. We been BD before and during my ovulation. I took prenatal vitamins every morning. 🤞🏽😅 I am few days late. My period would normally come on the 3rd or 4th but I am late. I’ve been dealing nausea and I threw up 6 times in one day I thought I was sick but my fiancé ain’t neither. I noticed while cooking the meats I can’t stand the smell and look. It never happened to me it’s new for me. I noticed my fiancé is craving and eating candy. It happened before when I was pregnant last time. I feel nauseous, headache, tiring and bloated. I pray I get my rainbow baby 🌈🩷🤞🏽 should I wait for couple days ?