Possible CMPA


Hey Just seeking advice and to vent!!!

My sweet girl was born 12/12 she’s 3 weeks and after around the 1 week mark (when she started drinking more formula also…my supply isn’t the greatest and I thought I need to supplement) she has become inconsolably fussy at times…it’s been a struggle not knowing what’s normal or not and trying to figure out what’s bothering her…I’ve never cared for a newborn before and I’m a FTM so I feel so guilty and stupid for not putting two and two together on some things…

She’s been having some silentish reflux she doesn’t vomit or spit up large amounts but she does often and I’ll hear her gulping and choking on milk in her throat and it’ll come out of her mouth, constant discomfort when awake and the ONLY thing to soothe her at the moment is eating until she will finally sleep and rarely more than a few minutes before she wakes up crying again….I assumed it was just bad acid reflux or something and had her pediatrician appointment today…they gave her enfamil AR and I’ve been giving her that since this morning…it’s helped her reflux but she started crying almost worse than before still inconsolable…and during the appointment she asked if her stools were mucusy incase of CMPA/CMPI and I wasnt sure so I said no. I didnt know what mucusy looked like or meant and assumed it’s normal stools, but thinking about it now it definitely is, when she pooped just now I decided to check closer at it and it definitely had that stringy pull apart mucus thing ontop of them being green (which I hear can be normal so I didn’t think much) and smells very bad but I figured poop is poop you know…and now I feel horrible because I’m pretty convinced it definitely is CMPA she had little issues when I only breastfed her the first week and now seems miserable…I don’t know if I should wait all the way until Monday when their office is open or if I should just buy her a hypoallergenic formula in the morning to test out, I just hate to keep giving her even more milk if she’s allergic which seems to be the case…it breaks my heart.

Does anyone else have experience with CMPA? What formulas worked for you and when did you notice symptoms get better, I also am gonna cut all dairy from my diet and try breastfeeding more in the meantime.