I’m 41, could this actually be ….

Jess • Mother of 2 boys, 3 girls and my angel baby in heaven.

My period is 40 days late. 😬 I am low key freaking out but staying calm on the surface. I’ve been late a week or two but haven’t been this late since it’s been so long I don’t remember. I was sick in December with that horrible bug that was going around when I would have gotten my period. So I wanna say that’s why I didn’t get it. And I’ve been stressed over my dad’s health issues as well. Doesn’t help that my daughter father is not helping the situation either by constantly trying to get back together. This would not be his baby if I am. I kept playing this in my head that “it’s the stress from dad and baby daddy.” “it’s because you were sick in December.” As to reasons why I’m not had my periods yet until last nights dream. In my dream I was sitting watching movies with my girls and felt something odd in my stomach. So I put my hand on the spot that gave me pain and felt something press up against my hand. It was a foot! I quickly put my hand on the other side of my stomach and felt a hand press up against mine and I freaked out. Looked at my girls and couldn’t speak. That’s when I woke up. So now I’m fighting with my thoughts on what to do. Any advice ladies?