Took a break


This past cycle (just got off period unfortunately) I stopped tracking and using all my <a href="">fertility apps</a> as I felt I was causing to much stress and strain on the relationship, and I was right, this cycle I no longer obsessed over my calendars, constantly test, and there was no pressure to bd at certain times. I feel I made the right choice for our relationship, but there is still those thoughts in my head like well what if you missed your peak days, your on your seven cycle trying for this baby shouldn’t you be doing what you can to track and ensure you cover your bases?

I never thought TTC would be so difficult!!! Especially couples around me who just started trying (and I mean just) are already announcing they are expecting, or having there babies, and it’s just becoming so difficult. I feel like I’m now just waiting for the year mark to come so I go see a doctor about it…

Baby dust for this next cycle and for everyone whom is trying! 🤍🤰