Baby Kicks..? I thought it was too early


I know this is going to sound crazy because it's hard to believe myself... but the past few days I've been feeling faint thumping every now and again. It's only when I am very still and am positioned in a certain way. I thought it could be gas.. but I don't think it is at this point.

I went in for an ultrasound yesterday and the baby was positioned right where I felt the little thumping. When I felt it again that night I realized it must be the baby I'm feeling.

I'm due July 22nd. 11w6d today.

Has anyone else experienced baby movement this early?

I know if you've been pregnant before you can feel it earlier since you can recognize what it feels like. This is my first pregnancy but I will say that I am very in tune with my body. I used Letrozole to conceive, and I felt when I ovulated (horrible pain) and felt implantation occur. So maybe this is why I can feel the baby so early?

If you're wondering.. yes it did happen again while writing this post