First morning urine


Is it possible that some people have less concentrated urine in the mornings for hcg? I’ve noticed my tests are always darker in the evening and if I take one in the morning it’s lighter. Anyone else?

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Posted at
Yep. I tend to drink more water in the afternoon and everything and often drink a glass over night as i end up waking up super thirsty. I’ve gotten all my early positives in the afternoon. When I was tracking line progression using first morning urine I’d stress myself out because they would always be lighter than the afternoon before.


TH👶 • Jan 8, 2024
I’m trying not to stress about it too. I got two positives yesterday afternoon/evening so I took another with fmu today and it was lighter than those so I got a little worried


Posted at
For some fmu isnt the best. It just depends on you. If yiu test darker in the evening then tests evenings. I had to use fmu.


Posted at
I have heard of this before. Do whatever works for you :)