Advice please !! Had Given Up and Now this


Back story —

2021 - ectopic and MC later that year

2022 - 2 MC

2023 - 2 MC February and June

So needless to say- we had stopped with all the things and had said we were no longer trying. Stopped ovulation tracking - stopped progesterone- stopped all the things. Other than my start and stop days for AF

My cycle is pretty standard 28-31 days with 5 menstrual days (have been that way my whole life). So according to the Aps today is cycle day 32. AF last began on 12/10.

So 2 days ago (4 wks and 2 days according to ap) took a blue dye test clearly positive (posted) I I ONLY tested bc I’ve been nauseous, way way way sore breasts more than PMS, and way tired (and I normally don’t have PMS symptoms other than slightly sore breast)

Yesterday- took a cheapy pink dye and in my 19284739 tests I’ve taken over the last 3 years I would assume it to be negative and not picture worthy — honestly had it been my first test I wouldn’t have tested again but since having a positive before — I take another TODAY

FR pink dye - and lines within 1 to 2 minutes.

Can someone please tell me if this even matters or are these lines too light for 4 wks 2 and 4 days ?