
Brielle • 30. 👶🏽💙 8/2020. 👼🏽 12/2023. 🤰🏽💜12/2024.

I usually peak on CD 13 or CD 14 but it still hasn’t happened yet. Tomorrow makes it two weeks since I miscarried at six weeks and we’re ready to TTC asap. FYI… I’m counting the first day as CD 1. Do you think my peak is coming??

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I miscarried in November at 6 weeks. My doctor told me we could start ttc after I had my first regular period (post miscarriage bleeding) to allow my body to get back in a cycle. We ttc in December, but no BFP. This month I started tracking with ovulation strips and got my peak at CD 11. I’m definitely not an expert, but I wouldn’t be discouraged. You may just need to let your body to have more time to recover.


Brielle • Jan 11, 2024
Thanks for your feedback. I’ll keep that in mind.