Pregnant while taking sugar pills?

I am currently using a birth control pill that I've been using for the past 3 months. I had a period on November 10-13 as expected. On November 21 (during the second week of my pill pack) I forgot to take my pill, this caused my period to start and end a week early (my period ended a day before I was supposed to start taking my sugar pills) I asked my doctor if I needed to start a new pack, so that I wouldn't go a whole week without being on the pill or my period, but she said no, because My body still needed to get used to this current schedule. So I followed her instructions and continued with my normal pill schedule. Now, a month later, I am three days into my sugar pills and there is still no sign of my period... I guess what I'm worried about is, could there be a chance that I'm pregnant because of being unprotected for that week? Or is this still just my body adjusting to being on the pill?