11 weeks and NIPT testing?


Hi! I'm 11 weeks 1 day today (due August 1st 2024!) with my first and had an ultrasound with my OBGYN yesterday. My husband and I went through <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> after 7 years of infertility. I'm so excited for this baby!

The doctor said NIPT testing was necessary per California to check for chromosomal abnormalities, and said it would NOT show the baby's gender. I'm kind of bummed about this because I was under the impression that it would. Does anyone else have any insight on this? I was hoping to do a tiny gender reveal with just my husband and I together with the results, but if it doesn't show gender, I guess I don't have to worry about looking at the results without him.

**EDIT** 1/26/24

I got a call on Wednesday afternoon from my doctor's assistant. She said she checked a different portal to see where the results for the NIPT test were at (since Wednesday was day 13). It appeared that the nurse never submitted the blood for that test at all and I had to go back to get my blood drawn specifically for the NIPT test. Needless to say, I'm annoyed now. I called their office at least 3 times and each time I was told to wait. If only one of the other ladies had just LOOKED to see what the status was, I could have been spared the time. 😑

Anyway, now I have to wait another two weeks to find out the gender and if there are any chromosomal abnormalities. Ladies, I appreciate all your insight and encouragement! ☺️ Hoping for a good result!