Early LH surge?? 🤔

Hi all,

I had an EMC this month and decided after an unexpected pregnancy and then the loss I really want to try again.

I tracked before when I conceived my now 4 year old so I’m not super new to this. But I’ve never tracked after a miscarriage.. my question is I got a “high” tonight on an LH test but my fertile window don’t start for a few days. I know LH surges don’t necessarily mean your ovulating but my question is should I just keep tracking until the end of my fertile window even if I get a peak in the next couple days? 🤔 is it normal to ovulate earlier after a miscarriage? Here’s my LH strip from tonight and earlier this week. I usually don’t test until closer to my fertile window but my discharge is super watery. I thought I peed myself a little earlier 😂🤦🏼‍♀️

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When I had a MMC at 9 weeks I ovulated right away once all the HcG was out of my system and I conceived again. If your ttc yes BD today and tomorrow and even next day if available to do so.