Dye bleeding, Evap, or BFP?!?

Brittany • Mommy to a prince❤️Trucker Wife❤️Praying for baby #2❤️TTC since 2-2-23❤️

I’m totally freaking out right now! I have a 12 year old and We’ve been ttc for the past 11 months and kept getting BFNs. I was literally waiting till Monday to make an appointment to go get checked out. I’ve had NO symptoms this go round and NO implantation bleeding and I’m currently 10dpo! I woke up with a bad cramp on my left side in my stomach, and thought maybe I should test, but I’ve been through so many pregnancy tests lately I’ve just been waiting for AF. Well tonight i got home and said screw it ima take one and now this!!!

UPDATE: Pictures of this morning test below in comments….they all seem negative! 🥺Currently waiting to see if AF comes on the 17th!