Unexplained infertility :-(

Hi I was wondering if anyone could help. I’m feeling so low and wondered if anyone had been through this and got pregnant? We’ve been trying to conceive again for 3 years since a late missed miscarriage with no luck? It’s so strange. We’ve had lots of tests. I’m ovulating found with blood tests, tracking with ovulations sticks, tubes clear and scan all ok. Husband did have a low sperm count back in June but recently all normal so maybe a one off. Unfortunately <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">ivf</a> isn’t an option for us. I just want to get to the bottom of it but I don’t know else could be causing it. I’m 37 partner 38. So yes age could be a factor but we both eat so well and exercise a lot. Sleep as well as we can with a 4 year old. Not particularly stressed. I thought it would take a little longer but feels impossible. I really feel like something else is going on. Does anyone been through the same thing?? I’m wondering is there anything else that could be causing it.