Provera isn’t working!! TTC


Has anyone else gone through this?? So I’m almost 4 weeks late my last period was Nov 17-22 n I had spotting Dec 24-25 I’m testing negative on pregnancy tests so I don’t think I’m pregnant and I took provera for 10 days and still NO signs of PMS no symptoms no nothing 😭😔😔😔😔 I never thought TTC could be such a hard thing to do. My doctor wants me to take another pregnancy test this weekend (even though I know it’ll be negative) n then she’ll be able to get back to me this Monday n that’s 4/5 days away I was just wondering has anyone gone through this and what was the outcome?

Btw nothing has changed my diet hasn’t change my weight hasn’t changed and I’m not stressed out at all until now 😂🤦🏻‍♀️