"Its never too late" my BD says

So I've had our daughter and took care of her for 3 yrs while his 44 over grown ass was up under his mother. I did thr tough newborn nights alone, I taught her how to feed herself,walk and now potty. He was 15mins away

He had no excuses, even he himself said that yet complained when I'd leave, I got my own place and car he kept whinning and begging I let him move in just for him to complain about paying bills, be rude and disrespectful, take my car and come back late as hell argue with me, call me a whore, hit me with my pants, look on escort sites bc he wasn't getting enough attention.

Now after 4yrs of begging him and being broken up he's getting a car when I begged him to do while he was living with me but he simply didn't bc he didn't want to. Now he's getting himself together.

I told him why didn't he get a car and help me when he was with me? He had no answer then I said I did all the hard parts when it comes to raising this girl. He doesn't even send child support on time. He does it when he feels like it.

He said.. its never too late for him to be active in his daughters life.

I've been dropping off this little girl to see him and going out of my way. I don't want to do it anymore.

I've took care of her for 3 yrs. I don't want him to get himself together and then demand more days when she already has a set schedule. Or try to impress his new gf by getting her more when hasn't done any of that in the beginning or he'll now @Molly: it just hurts bc i suffered ALOT balancing kids and work and he didnt give a shit and it shows bc NOW hes getting himself together and its mainly for him. Then saying its never too late is so annoying( Ive done the hard part) hes done parenting on easy mode. Not even that he was a half ass 1 day a week baby sitter. Im just very angry. Is all. Im not sure how to cope. What did you do? Also qnother hard part i have trouble with is how ive been hurt and used and treated like shit.@Mrs: youre right. Hell have to do it. I hate i did it for this long. Bc he can get his shit together when he *wants* to...@mommaof4: how do i get child support to be consistent. ?