I give up.


I give up. I’m mentally shattered. I got one faint line (stupid clearblue) a week ago today and went off my rocker. Spent probably over $100 on tests. (Haven’t taken all of them but almost) tested every morning and a few times during the day, would spend hours looking at pics and tweaking and posting and getting my hopes up. I’ve been obsessing so much that I’m having dreams of positive pregnancy tests all night long. And just when I think I’ve got a real positive, I test the next morning to a big fat negative. Just a few indents or evaps here and there to keep me wondering. Idk what it is about this cycle specifially that had me so convinced but I just felt so pregnant. And the few false faint lines just had me so sure. I had an appointment for a blood test this morning and I skipped it because I’m still testing either negative or so faint it’s like I’m just searching for something that’s not there. And 7 days from my first one, it would be darker by now. I know. I give up. I’m having a drink tonight and will wait for my period to finally come. That is all. Just needed to vent. Idk what got into my head but it was something very fierce this month.