Please give feedback :)

Hi, ladies! I really hope I get feedback on this, regardless good or bad.

I have PCOS and I have been trying to conceive for 6 years. I have recently lost 50 pounds, as they say that helps with PCOS/ fertility.

I DID have a period this month in the beginning of January.

It is predicted to be my ovulation time right now and the past few days. Not today, but the past two days I have had cramping and that discharge that we all hope for.

Today, I have very sore nipples. Not breasts, just nipples. I am NOT saying this is related to pregnancy, because I know it wouldn’t even be possible for days to come. My discharge has also calmed down a lot and is now creamy white and not a lot there at all.

I just want to know, how do you feel immediately after ovulation? I really hope this was my cycle to conceive because I feel like there is a very strong chance that I did ovulate.