A long awaited rainbow baby 🌈


TW: mention of loss and positive test.

Dec 2022 we found out we were pregnant after 3.5 years of trying, just after Christmas we found out it was ectopic. Jan 2023 I had surgery to remove the ectopic and my right tube.

March 2023 we started seeing a specialist to help manage ovulation as I have PCOS. The specialist was crap so we tried another - also crap. Started with our third specialist in November 2023 and changed dosages of letrozole. First trigger shot on Dec 1 but it was a failed cycle.

Took letrozole over Christmas but couldn’t be monitored for a trigger as their office was closed. Ovulated on Jan 1 and got our positive on Jan 15!

Currently 5w1d and absolutely terrified that it’s another ectopic. Specialist is happy with HCG and can’t find any reason to think it’s not all good. Have had cramping for a week in lower left (side that I ovulated on) and every twinge makes me panic, but trying my best to manifest all of the positive things and remember that cramping is normal. This year marks 5 years of trying!

18/1 (4w3d) - 560

20/1 (4w5d) - 1690

Sending lots of positivity and baby dust to you all 🩵🩵