
I am 23 year old female and I am going through A LOT right now. My life has never been this bad before. I also Lack friendships, have an awful relationship with my family members and am very lonely Overall. Aside from that I have to save up all of the money I make so I don’t travel or eat out or buy clothes etc. The reason why I am mentioning those things is to make you understand, there is no output of the stress that enters my body.

For some reason my body and mind LONG for a partner. Not a friend but a boyfriend. I fantasies about having a boyfriend whenever my mind is off work and off other important things I have to take care of.

I dream about having a boyfriend at night even. I want physical intimacy, holding hands with someone and walking down the street. Come back home to them and all of the fun stuff. To me having a partner makes all the difficulties in life worthwhile. I went on a few days recently and I didn’t like any of them. (I am not a serial dater, i am not clingy and I don’t throw myself at men just because I feel this way. And before you worry, I wouldn’t just get with anyone to fill the void.)

To be honest with you I have never felt this way,

I have never been this ready to settle down. Is this normal? Or do I feel like this because I am in a hot spot in my life right now?

Is it even healthy to start a new relationship with this kind of mindset and willingness to commit long term?

I have heard that people know when they are ready once they meet the right person. I haven’t met the right person yet so how come I feel this way?