Would this be dealbreaker for you?

My boyfriend and I have been together a year. We’re managers at the same place. The other day, I crashed my car, with my (not his) two toddlers. I called him right after and all 3 of us were crying. I told him how upset I was for a couple days after and how it made me feel really bad about myself. (The crash was my fault). At first he seemed supportive. Asked someone for insurance advice for me, picked me up and let me stay the night with him. So I thought it was fine. But then I asked our boss if I could work all my hours earlier in the week to be able to use daily pay apps. For a lot of the week, I’m an “extra” manager, so I figured it wouldn’t be a big deal to take advantage of that. But my boyfriend found out and is really bothered. He says that I’m getting “special treatment” basically because our boss doesn’t let him do the same thing. But our boss has done similar, like let him cash out vacation days. I reminded him of the accident and told him it was only for one week so idk why he’s acting like that. He said he doesn’t care that I’m upset or my situation, it’s still a job. Even told me he doesn’t care that I cried and was depressed. And told me that he’ll prevent me from getting the hours on his shift, where I literally need to. He said he doesn’t care and doesn’t want to help me because the company didn’t help him when he needed it either.

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