looking for advice or experience !

I just had a question , I had a D&C done in january. I was pregnant from end of october until that point in january. We got the go ahead to TTC after i finished bleeding from my D&C. I downloaded 2 apps to track ovulation and period. I bled January 18th until February 1st. The issue is , i spot bled the entire two weeks a light period (could wear same pad all day) and was told my D&C date is considered Day 1 of my “new cycle” both apps claim i ovulated on Friday. I did have ovulation like cramping and a lot of egg white discharge on sunday and we did the deed. I’m just wondering how accurate it would all be ? i’m a regular 28 day cycle 5-7 day period. i’m just trying to understand as i’ve never had a D&C before. I just started tracking my temp this morning so i know that’s not helpful if i did ovulate a few days ago. I’ve also been spot on with my ovulation and am extremely fertile. (i can have sex once days before or days after ovulation and get pregnant) kind of fertile.