High blood pressure

My blood pressure keeps going up. It’s currently at 190/126. I’m using a cheap blood pressure monitor. I’ve taken aspirin and some prescribed medicine. My boyfriend is acting like it’s not a big deal at all and like he’s not wanting to take me to the ER. I’ve been dealing with high cholesterol for years and years now and know that it can HBP. My boyfriend said I need to stop googling stuff and listening to what google says. And he said since I have a cheap blood pressure monitor then I don’t need to listen to the numbers it’s showing me. Idk if I should go in to the ER or not.

It started going down. But it’s back up to 198/126. I checked my other arm and it read 199/133. That’s why he said I shouldn’t trust the machine since it’s giving me different readings. If I go to the ER then what will they even do for me? I don’t have money to pick any scripts up

Now it’s reading 209/147. I’m trying to find someone that will take me or watch my kids so my boyfriend can take me. We don’t have a car right now for me to drive myself and we don’t have Uber or anything in my area. But he’ll be able to use his step dads truck

Update. I got to the ER and they checked my BP and it was 237/157. They got me a room immediately. Took an x-ray, did an EKG and took blood. Just waiting on the doc to see new with the results now

UPDATE: I was honestly expecting bad news. A few months ago I was told my D dimer count was a little elevated. But the doctor told me last night that everything looked good. My BP came down and they sent me home. Thank you for all the comments 🙂