I’m literally at my wits end


Hi, for as long as I can remember I’ve suffered with dry and itchy vaginal lips, it used to be just every so often and then it would calm down but never fully go away. The last few months have been the worst ever. I’m almost 38 and it’s taking over my entire life. I’m scratching myself to death which causes painful cuts and more itching. I’ve seen a doctor numerous times and been given steroid creams etc which have never worked. I’ve spent hundreds on various creams, ointments, vaginal washes,, I’ve tried loose underwear, no underwear, bamboo underwear,, u name it, I’ve tried it!! It’s effecting my whole life now. It wakes me up in the night, I’m popping anti histamines like there’s no tomorrow and I’m so distracted in work that others are noticing. Please please if anyone has experienced this, please help me. How have you coped with it? What’s the best products? I’m getting extremely depressed now. Thank you xxx