Quick Cervix & Conception Question????? TY! ✨🌈


Usually my cervix after ovulation still remains very low and open lips feel until my period is over. I did not track ovulation by testing this cycle however the cervical mucous would say I was ovulation egg white and watery.

Now my cervix is higher up and firm closed up shop. I do see some discharge but not a lot. Which has never happened for me.

We took metformin for a whole month this cycle as well as used pressed every chance we got!

I also just feel pregnant I don’t know how to explain jt! Could this be the πŸ’™βœ¨πŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆπŸŒˆβœ¨πŸ’™ baby I think so…..I would be 4dpo according to Flo and Glow. I will insert photos here.

Symptoms consist of

- lightheaded almost vertigo feeling when I get up (new)

- moodiness

- cravings (Mexican and Puerto Rican all spicy food lol)

- boob nipple specific tenderness

- hot flashes then cold flashes (new)

- nose drippy

- feeling of bloating (semi-new felt once)

Thank you for your time!

What are you opinions? Please be kind 😊!!!!



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