Need a non bias perspective please


I am 34 weeks pregnant and my entire pregnancy I have felt unloved and unwanted. My husband has completely stopped caring for me. He doesn’t ever try to love on me or cuddle with me he hardly ever touched my stomach to try to feel baby. I can’t get him to have conversations with me and when we do talk it feels like he just wants the conversation to be over. I’ve brought these feelings up to him and he agreed he hasn’t been attentive during my pregnancy but then he made no effort to fix it. His excuses are that he helps me clean the house and cooks dinner sometimes, he makes the money in the house and to him that’s more than enough because our family is taken care of. He owns his own business and works from home and plays video games half the day and sleeps till noon. But he has completely abandoned me. Yesterday I ended up at the hospital after my doctor’s appt and when we were leaving he said call me when it’s the real thing. As in don’t bother making him come to the hospital unless the baby is actually coming out. A few weeks ago during an argument he also told me he hated me and that’s why he doesn’t want to be around me and doesn’t want to have sex with me. He apologized and said he didn’t mean it but hasn’t made any effort to make me feel like he actually doesn’t hate me. Am I overreacting ? Should I just take that he cleans sometimes and helps cook sometimes and brings in the money and forgot about the rest because he thinks that’s enough?