Scared to try after first pregnancy was a loss. Advice?


Hi everyone,

I had my d&c on Friday for my first pregnancy which resulted in a missed miscarriage. They sent the baby off to the lab for testing to see if this was a partial molar pregnancy due to my hcg being over 100,000. I got pregnant straight after coming off birth control by surprise (a good surprise of course, which unfortunately ended poorly).

I am scared that it is possibly partial molar and I have to wait about 1 week for results :( but now I can’t help but sit here and wonder if something is wrong with my body. Like why did this happen? Why wasn’t I able to carry the baby? Why did the baby fail? Are my husbands and I’s genes incompatible? Was this my fault somehow? Is this going to happen again? If it’s partial molar, will I have a repeat partial molar again? I’m so scared to try again. I want to, but I am truly scared. I know I shouldn’t torment myself with these thoughts. I guess it’s just part of the grieving process. It’s harder knowing this is my first pregnancy. I’m not even sure if my body can do it. If I had one already, I would know I was capable and wouldn’t be so afraid of trying again.

Any success stories on having a baby after a partial molar? Any success stories of having a baby after a missed miscarriage being the first pregnancy?