
I’m starting to really get disappointed. Been having horrible sore boobs ALL week, at 6 or 7dpo started having constant cramps at 9dpo the back aches started and it goes into my legs, then yesterday I started having discharge. I’m super emotional and extremely tired. So I know AF is coming, my apps all say I’ll start the 5th. I know I’m not out until AF shows but really I feel like this close to af I should have the faintest line at least. The tests I’m using are “extra sensitive” this was my first round of clomid and my dr confirmed that I ovulated with blood work at cycle day 21, my levels were 18.9 she said it was a great ovulation so she was hopeful. Hoping we get another cycle with my husband being home to try again. His job keeps him out of state usually, but we are lucky to have him home currently, just never know when he’ll head back out. This is so hard!