Pelvic Pain


I began having pelvic pain last night around 8pm… pain, not cramping. Sharp and it was traveling to my lower back. I hardly slept and the little sleep that I was able to get in was interrupted by the pain getting stronger. Although I had no bleeding I decided to call my Dr first thing this morning and she was able to get me in! They needed a urine sample and when I went to wipe, there was some spotting then so of course I start crying thinking the worse. Dr examined me first and she said that my cervix was very irritated. She asked if I had intercourse within the last 24-48 hours and I answered no. She proceeded to do ultrasound with the vaginal probe and thankfully baby is doing good but mentioned that my uterus is growing inclined / tilted and that’s possibly what’s irritating my cervix. Anyone experience pregnancy where the uterus was growing that way? If so, any complication with a vaginal delivery?

Here is ultrasound pic. Boy or girl based on the nub theory? 💙💗

10 weeks 3 days (maybe too soon but figured I’d ask anyway)