We are both right

Can you tell me how to better handle this situation because we are both right and this a reoccurring and we are angry with each other.

My husband is upset he comes home and it's chaos and I'm angry. He wants the kids jumping around happy to see him and I'm bursting his joy because I'm not rushing to greet him. I set the tone then that everyone is grumpy.

I'm upset because my husband will put everything above my needs. I don't feel loved so he isn't getting the response he wants. He was supposed to leave work at 3:30 hour drive home which is a full day of work for him and I need to go urgent care

. I'm sick pretty sure I have an ear infection and bronchitis. I call him at 5:30 he hasn't left work yet. He then stopped at the grocery store to get more shakes for himself for breakfast. He asked me to make him breakfasts so he wouldn't have to have shakes and so I already meal prepped him breakfasts for this whole week I did this on Sunday. I was supposed to go to urgent care. Instead I was serving the family dinner after 7 at night and getting the kids to bed. I'm fuming because I so sick and need help.

We communicate but we never agree. I get he provides for us but I take care of everyone. I'm a stay at home mom I don't get sick days. I feel the least he can do is come home at a decent time to help me get to the doctor so I don't have to bring all the kids with me while I'm sick to sit in urgent care for hours. I feel its disrespectful to ask me to do more by making you healthy breakfast then go buy stuff. I find it disrespectful to assume I'm supposed to be sunshine and rainbows at seven o'clock at night when you walk through the door when I'm trying to wind the kids down.

My husband will also play hockey tomorrow, go out for beers Friday with a friend, and Saturday he will go play poker.

He wonders why I'm angry and he's not wrong I'm sick and I don't feel like I matter. I'm burned out. I don't know where to go from here we have the same fight always. He's a work maniac won't put my needs even when I'm sick above his own.