Tribulations of life!


Do you feel stagnated in life? Do you feel that you have worked all your life and everything that you work for has been wasted, just know that "God takes all things and work them for the good of those that love him and are called according to his purpose" (Romans 8:28).

Today you need to know that God is a God of justice. God will vindicate you. Therefore, don't worry! Continue having faith in God. Continue praying to God and recognize that Christ is your only hope. Remembering that when you pray, believe that you've received and you shall have whatsoever you've prayed for. As a prerequisite for the blessing, God mandates that you have to forgive everyone that has sinned against you; that you be forgiven your sins. Let patience have it's perfect work. After you have done all you can, just wait on the Lord. He will renew your strength. You will mount up on wings like eagles and soar! You will not grow weary nor faint, because you wait on the Lord. Your latter days will be greater. The end of a thing is better than it's beginning. The reason that is is because you know more at the end, than you did when you first went in that situation. You are wiser now. So no matter what your life looks like at this point in time, just remember that God knows the plans that he has for you. He knows the thoughts that he thinks towards you; to give you hope and an expected end. The things that we see are temporal and the things that we cannot see are eternal. God wants us to put our focus on the things that are eternal; for they are everlasting. For without faith it is impossible to please God. You want God to come through in your circumstance? He only moves by faith. Keep your faith in God. Faith comes by hearing and hearing the word of God. Man cannot live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds the mouth of God. No matter your situation, it only gets better from here. The devil comes to steal, kill and destroy. Yet, Jesus came that you may have life and have it more abundantly. Fret not! Darkness will not prevail against the light. After you have suffered awhile, God will establish you unto himself. As God promised, you will come out as pure gold. All of God's promises are yes and amen. Therefore stay positive and stay seeking God. He is a rewarder to those that diligently seek him. Everything is working together for your good. Stay humble, stay in prayer and keep moving forward; regardless of anything that you are going through. If God be for you, who can be against you? It is God that has already sentenced Satan to hell. Therefore, again I tell you brethren to wait upon the Lord in faith. When you are blind and you cannot see the future, just know that God is already there! God is restoring the years. amen.