3 day rise in BBT and a faint line on a pregnancy test


Hey y’all! I am 45 days late from my period. I have pcos and last month, I caught the stomach bug from my son’s school. I think the sickness was enough to have my body completely skip my period.

Anyway, I started taking a test every week just to see what is going on. I also just started taking my bbt a few weeks ago. So this morning when my BBT rose again to 98.6, I took a test because that is significantly higher than my normal range.

I took the test and the faintest line appeared right away in the center left of the test. I am going to retake in a couple days. But I am just so excited at the possibility and wanted to share and see what your thoughts were! I think this would be REALLY early along. I’m not confident enough in bbt to know exactly when I ovulated. But I do know the rise and dip and rise again is a good sign!