Going through a break up but was it a valid reason ?

Hey everyone I’m 22 and my ex is 28 him and I were together for 1 and a few months and we broke up 2 days ago. I think I started to fall out of love with him but idk if it was valid to do when I never asked him to change but then again why would I want to be with someone with dirty habits, bad financial decisions and never bringing flowers when I constantly ask for them and they are already knocking on 30. I think from the beginning he was dating to marry and he was my first bf and I never had that mindset I wanted the experience and we both were in different positions in our lives and I cried not a lot honestly I think it was good we did end because I know I deserve better and he would always say that through out our relationship. But I felt like when he asked for the reason why I couldn’t bring myself to say everything I was only able to say he never gives me flowers and is constantly telling me I deserve better and I think I’m more hurt he is hurting than him and I breaking up