New job and pregnant?


Has anyone got a new job and been pregnant at the same time? I applied to this job that I been wanting months back. It’s with the county so it took awhile for everything but when I was 2-3 months pregnant, they said I got the job and gave me an offer. It’s an 18 month probation period but the first 16 weeks I have to go M-F the whole 8 hr shift. Then they start letting you take every other Friday off after that. My baby won’t be due til the end of the 16 weeks or maybe before that depending whenever he comes. I’m not showing really and I’m now at 5 months and I start next week. When would you tell your new job you’re expecting? Did you have a good outcome? I’m super nervous because I want this job. I also live in the state of California so I know they give mandatory maternity leave. I been reading and watching so many different stories. ZAny advice please 🙏