5 days late.


I’m 5 days late and too scared to take a test… I am a mum of 4 and I have multiple with disabilities (autism) and I only live in a 2 bed house and I’m trying so hard to move but also my mental health isn’t great so another child is a NO NO, I have the coil in for that reason but I’ve never ever been this late unless I was pregnant, I’ve had my coil (copper) in now for 3 years in May and I’ve always been regular around 24-28 days, 29 at a push and I’m now cycle day 32 and 5 days late from my usual day. I’ve been having some cramping as if I’m about to come on my period which I know from previous pregnancies that could still mean I’m pregnant but idk feels different so hopefully my body is just messing with me but has anyone else been through similar whether you were pregnant or not 😂 not really looking for advise just stories really and some courage to test! I said to my partner that my period will probably come today as an April fools prank 🙄😂

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