TTC on Naturethroid?

KK • Trying for our first. Living life post-thyroidectomy.
New to Glow and TTC our first. I had a total thyroidectomy in 2014 (Graves and Thyroid Cancer.) I was originally on Synthroid but wasn't feeling "well" on it, so my endo switched me to Naturethroid in fall 2015. 
I feel better overall bit haven't had the magical "fertile!" change I was hoping for. Endo keeping my TSH low intentionally (currently .8) to prevent any thyroid tissue from reappearing.
He says that I shouldn't have issues conceiving at my current level. We've been trying for about 10 months (with one cycle messed up due to overseas travel and another I'm discounting since it was the month I switched medications.)
Any stories, ladies? In particular, from those who have conceived sans thyroid with low TSH?
Good luck to all of you!