Spotting Questions


TMI I'm sorry, so I had my last monthly in the 13th of March. I also took Clomid on the 17th through 21st. I am currently ex

Expecting my next monthly in about 7 days. I have had lots of discharge for the past few days where it looks to the point where I have to change a lot because of all the wet spots in my panties. I know for a fact it's not arousal and every time I wipe for the past 3 days have always been cm. Very thin or wet

The blood on this was from last night at 8pm. I whipped and only 2 tiny spots appeared. I haven't seen any blood since my today I woke up at 4am very uncomfortable ended up sleeping on the couch for a bit until 7am. My lower belly has been having pings of uncomfortable cramps but nothing like a period cramps (thoes are more painful this is just uncomfortable)

I calculated ovulation with tests on the 30th of last month and we have been BD on the 23rd, 25, 27, and 30

I just want to know if anyone else had this kind of spotting 8 days before their expected monthly. If it's normal? I usually don't spot before my monthly and I'm never this wet with discharge either after ovu and before monthly starts