Dr suggest not to go for baby #3

So a little back story I’ve already have 2 boys and my husband and I really want to try for a baby girl. My first pregnancy was a breeze the only thing that I suffered with was morning sickness was in all 3 trimesters. Both my pregnancy’s needed up via c-section. My first because he was failure to progress and had the umbilical cord around his neck. And my second I had cholestisis of pregnancy and the same morning sickness. So I couldn’t have him through vaginal birth. After my recovery I asked my dr I know it was extremely soon but was it possible to have more kids. She said no because there was a lot of complications during the last one and she rather me have my two kids and them not have a mom. I know we should be grateful to have our boys and we are. But our family doesn’t feel full yet without our baby girl? Do you guys think I should get a second opinion? Or trust my dr? She has delivered both my kids and always been soo supportive and kind about my wishes. But I don’t know