What time of the day do you supposed to take ovulation test strips?


My doctor nurse said this morning that I didn't have to do the basil and ovulation strips since I'm already ovulating according to the ultrasound I had done yesterday at my obgyn appointment

I have downloaded multiple ovulation and period trackers and some say I ovulated yesterday, some say I ovulate today or the next three days. I know those apps are very accurate.

At this point I don't know what else to do at this point and I never did use ovulation strips or basil temps with my first born.

I have been experiencing dull achy pain in my lower abdomen and I think I'm experiencing ovulation pain. It's a slight pressure sensation similar to gas pains. It started out on my left side. The nurse says It could be from ovulation since I'm ovulating.

Does fertile days mean ovulating as well? What if I have intercourse on the ovulation day and three days after. Do I still have that chance of conceiving? I am taking Clomid