Standard or full panel?


Does the obgyn screen you for just STI’s and hiv when you’re pregnant? Or do they also perform a Pap smear, stand-alone HPV test and HSV1 & HSV2 test? Someone told me they only do a standard STI and not a full panel. Some clinics I’ve gone to will ask if you want your blood drawn to get an HIV test and if I feel any herpes symptoms to test for hsv.. anyone know? Do you have to specifically ask for a Pap smear & hsv test to be done? I wonder because it seems I’ve met women in my life who only get tested for sti’s and they remain ignorant because they don’t get their blood tested for HIV & herpes. I’ve also seen women in my friend group who don’t even attend annual Pap smears or have never gone to one. Not judging anyone at all. I think it should be standard to test for everything possible in case the baby comes out with herpes on their face or anywhere else, not to mention hiv & hpv if you can prevent your baby from having it. My mom made sure I had all 3 series of the hpv vaccine. I still ended up with a low risk and cleared it. I’m still learning a lot about the medical field. Anyone a obgyn that can chime in on this specific testing done while pregnant?